Don’t despair, repair conditioner launch

Your Strength + Conditioning Routine, re-imagined

With DDR Conditioner you have all the tools you need to maintain, extend and maximize the strength and repair benefits your dry, damaged hair needs. Like any healthy strength and fitness routine, you have to have a mix of strength, endurance and conditioning activities - think of the days you use the conditioner like the days you do yoga/pilates and the days you use the mask like the days you use weights. 

The Campaign leans in heavily to the whole DDR franchise used as a routine. It’s a play on words, but emphasizes both “strength” and “conditioning,” core benefits. The Campaign, LauncHed at the end of December ALSO Plays into wellness angle of brand AND into the New Years fitness goals/resolution conversation but with a different take. Aesthetically it is reminiscent of 80’s fitness graphics & visuals.


campaign logos



digital launch

email blasts

Influencer/press kit with full ddr collection

hair challenge packette - customers could order online or receive as gift at sephora

always on digital assets for pdp, post campaign + retailers

Always on education - instagram stories

always on ddr collection video